
How To Send Online Message Through CMD|How To Freeze Friend's PC

Hi friends,Make fun with cmd (command prompt) and play prank on your friends,Today i will be talking about pranking people with cmd and i must admit its really cool with this cmd you can scare  people on the computer .ex you don't want your friend to use your pc you can easily send a fake message like a virus warning  which would make him or her shiver in fear,feeling guilty.Here some codes that you can use .To activate first open notepad and paste in any of the codes that you like and click save
               Review This Post:-Make Fake and Prank Call To Your Friends

How To Send Messages Online Via Cmd: 

sc config Messenger start= auto
sc start Messenger
echo LAN Messenger
set /p target=Target IP Address:
set /p body=Message:
net send %send% %body%
echo Your message has been sent.
goto :A

@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

@echo off
echo CMD Messenger
set n=
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
goto top

NOTE:DON'T SAVE IT A .TXT FILE SAVE IT AS A .BAT file any name you choose EX. cmdprank.bat

Best Ultimate CMD Trick For Freezing Friend's PC

This would freeze the computer like your refrigerator you may use it for personal use or maybe a payback to and old friend here is the code first open notepad and copy it and  save it as cmd.bat

here is the code it might only contain a few letters but it is freezer :
@echo off
start cmd.exe
start calc.exe
goto :E

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