Hi friends after blocking fb.me we gives you back to back airtel trick.After my previous post Airtel Working proxy Trick 2012.Now again i'm back with free Airtel internet trick with opera mini.We all know that Airtel bann most of the tricks in some states of India.Even i also face this problem,But problems is the producers of solution,I'm giving you a brand new opera mini trick-2012.Use this trick and enjoy superior speed of Airtel
Airtel Free Internet Trick Using Opera Mini-2012
First Download Opera mini handler 5.0 From Here
After it create these settings in handler
Proxy : mini5.opera-mini.net
Port : 80
Set APN-airtelgprs.com
Use mobile office settings or airtel live settings for free access.Our advice is to set your default settings to mobile office and enjoy free airtel gprs trick 2012
NOTE:-Put APN as airtelgprs.com and use less balance while trying it.Loading may took some time but after it enjoy fast airtel gprs trick
Related Tags:-Airtel gprs trick with opera mini,Latest opera mini Trick,Airtel opera mini trick 2012,Working airtel opera mini trick april 2012,Airtel Opera Mini Handler Trick 2012,Airtel Free GPRS Trick With Opera mini,latest airtel opera mini trick,Free Operamini Airtel Gprs Trick Of April 2012,Free Airtel Opera Mini Tricks 2012,Free gprs trick opera 2012